April 2024
Chicken Under a Brick
“There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation than for bread".
-Mother Theresa
Does this quote look familiar? It’s the second time I've used it. This quote informs my mission, and inspires a call to sow the seeds of love, gratitude and appreciation.
I've included a challenge and a gift for you in this newsletter because every dish we create and every meal we share is an opportunity to nourish not just the body, but also the soul. It's about filling hearts with warmth and bellies with joy, creating moments that linger in memories long after the last bite.
Instagram @lindahale.food
I love and appreciate you taking time out of your life to connect at “the table”. With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I have a fun challenge for you and an opportunity to express gratitude for the incredible women in your life. Taking mom out on Mother’s Day to an over crowded restaurant can be hassle. How about making a meal and eating in the comfort of home?
First things first, here’s your shopping list.
2 large Chicken Breasts, bone in, skin on
A few sprigs Fresh Rosemary
2 large Garlic Cloves
2 Lemons
Olive Oil
Salt & Black Pepper
Bricks or heavy weights wrapped in foil
Cast iron skillet
Your willingness to create this for someone you love
The Challenge: Chicken Under a Brick for Someone You Love
Here we go!
The challenge is to make this delicious Chicken Under a Brick for someone you love.
Once you’ve made it, take a photo and send it to me. I can't wait to see your labor of love. In return, it would be my pleasure to gift you with a free Cast Iron Cooking Class! This free class includes an appetizer, side salad, main, and dessert – all made in your cast iron skillet by you!
I learned this recipe while traveling in Italy years ago. It's simple, it’s delicious, and likely a recipe you make over and over again.
The YouTube video and full recipe at the bottom of this newsletter provides the simple shopping list, recipe, tips, and all the encouragement you need for the challenge. Make it fun! Maybe you’d like to do this with a friend or have one of your children help.
If you don’t own a cast iron yet, every kitchen needs one! What are you waiting for? I use mine every single day. They’re less than 30 bucks and will last generations! It's the reason I have about 6 of them, I had two of my own and inherited more. Here’s the link to order yours through Amazon. Lodge Cast Iron Skillet
If you have questions about cleaning your cast iron, as many do, check out my 5 minute video on YouTube. How to Clean Your Cast Iron Pan.
I want to leave you with this to ponder...
“If things are too close to you, you cannot see them. Frequently, that is why we value so little the people that are really close to us. We are unable to step back and behold them with the sense of wonder, critique and appreciation they deserve." - From the delightful little book: Anam Cara
Happy cooking, creating, and sowing seeds of Love and Appreciation. I look forward to hearing from you and your wins in the kitchen.
From our home to yours,
Love, Linda💛