December 2024
Parmesan Chicken
"Cooking is an act of love”.
- Jacques Pepin
Famed French Chef
I couldn’t agree more! Cooking is an act of love, what about those long days when you’re exhausted and not feeling the love? I’ve got a plan. Double this recipe, put half in the freezer for a future meal.
Prep once, serve twice!During the month of December I'll be doing short videos to help you make dinner. Check them out on Instagram
I recovered this recipe from years ago when I ran a small cooking school.
We lived in a surf town I kept these Easy Parmesan Chicken breasts in the freezer. Our son and his friends would get out of the water starving!….No problemo! Pop these in the oven, pair these with a large healthy green salad. Done! Yum!
Come to the table dinner is ready.😀
Parmesan Chicken
Linda Hale
"Theres is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world, than there is for bread." -Mother Theresa
I pray you find ways to LOVE and APPRECIATE during this busy season.🌟 Not only others, also yourself.
Have a blessed holiday season!
~Linda 🎄