November 2024

Rosemary Steak

“Imagination is more important than knowledge."

-Albert Einstein

Einstein continues: “Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

I’ve been reflecting on this a lot, with a strong desire to grow my imagination. It’s fun. It’s expansive. Neuroscience fascinates me, our brains are amazing, and we use little of what is available to us.

There’s so much emphasis today on the challenge of being present in our distracted world. Does the whole world have some version of ADD? Pretty sure our devices have made many of us feel that way. 

Growing your imagination is so interesting, a person can feel both present and in the future at the same time.

I have a photo of my dad on my desk, he’s been gone for over 40 years. In this photo he was young and full of inspiration for life. I look at his photo often to imagine what he would say to me today, especially when I’m wresting with something in my mind. A book that was popular in the 60’s, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, was one of my father’s favorite sources for growing his mind and imagination. Dad taught me to pay attention to my thinking, because our minds are powerful!

Every morning, before I open my eyes, I imagine my heavenly father speaking into me, we have a ‘conversation’. It’s always calming and encouraging; and as a good father would do, it is sometimes corrective. I need all of that....knowing that God imagines the best for me. I talk with God, you may prefer using the word source or higher power.

When I get up and into the kitchen, my imagination begins to cook up ideas for the day based on what’s on hand.

Since winter is here, we harvested the last of our garden, and this beautiful bunch of leeks. I made a soup of Leeks and Potatoes with added crispy thick cut Bacon. We had it for lunch in front of the fire. Scott said to me, “This is so amazing, how did you come up with this?” My answer: “My imagination”! A friend had made a soup she calls Fully Loaded Potato, it’s a cream soup. Not being a fan of creamed soup, I left the cream out and garnished it with a dollop of Creme Fraîche and snipped fresh Chives. It did feel like a beautifully garnished potato in the form of soup. I have a very active food imagination. It’s fun. It’s expansive. It’s a gift.

I can even look at a recipe and taste it.

Beethoven composed his most famous symphony, the Ninth (“Ode to Joy”), when he was completely deaf. He was unable to hear a single note in the physical world; he created them in his mind, knowing and imagining how beautifully they would sound.

Now onto the good stuff!

Look at these mouthwatering steaks! Can you just imagine how delicious they will be?

You don’t have to imagine how sumptuous this steak is. My son asked me to teach him how to make steaks in the oven. To watch the video, click the button below to learn how you can make them too. Serve with a simply dressed salad and a baked potato, this is a simply delicious meal. In the photo the steak is cooked rare, for my friend Jessie. Cook it a bit longer for medium.

In this season, I pray we ...Let Heaven and Naure Sing! In the city or in the country, if times are good for you you or things are rough... Let Heaven and Nature Sing! It's all around you.

I'm imagining the very best for you! Love,



February 2024